The stabilisers are off!

This week with it being half term I decided this was the week Nevaeh was learning to ride her bike, With it also being bank holiday Joshua was home to help. So off we went to a field with lullah on her scooter and Nevaeh on her bike with the stabilisers on.
   We let her have a little go around the field with the stabilisers still on then whipped them off! I held on to the bike handles and seat for a good 10 seconds counting down to letting go three times,
Then to my amazement she was off on her own,  Nevaeh the accident prone didn't fall and hurt herself once ,once she got that balance she was pretty good, Even if at one point she ran lullah over.

Everyday now she wants to go  on a bike ride she is so proud of herself and she can't wait to tell all her school friends and already asked for a new bike for Christmas!

Well done Nevaeh so proud of you!


  1. aaa what an achievement, another one of those fab milestones to remember.

  2. It's so exciting when they learn to ride on 2 wheels. It's like a new found independence

  3. Olive got her first no stabliser bike for her 5th birthday last week. I love how much freedom it gives them! Now I just have to get myself a bike!

  4. That's excellent, well done! I need to get my son riding his bike more I just struggle with finding the time to get out with him :(

  5. Aaah bless her!!! I remember that SO vividly — my dad holding onto the back of my bike, with me shouting DON'T LET GO!!! Then about 5 minutes later I realised that he HAD let go and it was just me!! What a fab moment!! :)
