About LeoniiAmber

Hi, Im Leonii you may know me from Foreverchanges blog! I thought it was time for a rebrand and a remake of my lovely little blog and make it more personal to myself, If you have not come across me as of yet well, Im currently 24 and a mother to two young girls A qualified hairdresser I work part time and hope to study at some point in the very near future, I love all things fashion, Make up and good grub.Lipstick IS my thing.I do suffer with anxiety which I will be fully open about, I am beating my anxiety at the moment and I will continue to do so!

 Let me introduce you to people you will see featured in my blog
 This is Nevaeh (Ne-vay) Nevaeh Is currently Five, I become pregnant with Nevaeh at the age of 18, It was a big shock to the system but this girl really brightened up my life. She is a very funny confident little girl who has one of the wildest imaginations I have ever known. She loves the camera and certainly isn't shy. Nevaeh is probably one of the girliest little girls you will come across everything is pink I think she really does believe she is a princess! Me and Nevaeh are best friend even if she is a full on daddy's girl.

 This Is Lullah Lullah is currently Two, Lullah is my little wild child my whirlwind she is a very strong minded Two year old and knows exactly what she wants Lullah is more into practical play such as paints and play doh she loves to get messy. Lullah is also a very confident child, she is currently a mummy's girl I really do not want her to grow up because she is my little baby!

 Oh And this is Joshua This is my other half, Infact my better half. We have been together for six years it has been a bit of a crazy whirlwind relationship but we have made it, And made it together. Most of the time he is my rock I lean on him alot...Joshua I love you x

And I also own this beautiful little kitty Princess Elsa x

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