Trevor Sorbie Multi-styler

A short Video of my self playing around with Trever Sorbie Multi Styler


This Multistyler is available for yourself to purchase from Argos Here The price retails at £59.99 but is currently on offer for a brilliant price of £34.99.

Make up is a gift sent from god!

I have been a little quiet so let me quickly give you a low down of whats been going on and where I have been!
If you follow me on instagram you will already know I have been ever so poorly.It started with a really icky cold which can make anyone feel like poop its left me with a massive dry patch around my nose and chapped lips. This isn't nice but very cope able at some point last week I woke up with horrendous tooth ache I did try and just ignore this what only I can describe as like someone punching me over and over in my mouth but after the third day I had enough and ended up at the dentist who made me aware I have a wisdom tooth growing the incorrect way and its caused it to get infected I know right ouch! Anyway it was a happy moment because I was prescribed AntiBiotics which would make this feeling disappear woohoooo Or so I thought. Tuesday I woke up with the most itchiest hands and feet ever I felt like I was going to soon itch so much my skin would come away. So of course I stopped the antibiotics. I presumed the itching would stop and I would be fine .. Boy was I wrong I woke up this morning with swollen hands feet ankles lips and tongue ahhhhhh this was not OK the pain In my feet is something I have never felt before I had to go downstairs on my bum and wear my slipper to my emergency GP appointment!

The magic tooth fairy Game,Review and Competition

Having two young children there is nothing I love more than playing a good board game. Now Nevaeh is five she is more capable to play and it really is alot of fun… unless she looses!  She can be a bit  of a sore loser, she definitely gets that trait from her dad *snigger's*

So this afternoon it was the Magic Tooth Fairy game from Drumond Park.This game is for two-four players and the suggested age of play is 5+ So little Lullah was on my team. The rules of the game are really simple so made it very easy for Nevaeh to understand.

Each player gets a mouth with four removable teeth and a little figure to move around the board.  There is no starting position and no finish line - the game will only finish when the first player has swapped all their teeth for shiny gold coins! Sounds really easy right? Well with the spinner and the roll of the dice to determine whether you get to pull your tooth and place it under the pillowthe fun can go on for a while! (we were playing for around 30 minutes!)

'Amanda' By Joan Collins

The Joan Collins lipstick 'Amanda' Is a beautiful rich colour I would say a Mulled wine colour. Which in the Autumn and Winter is a perfect shade to match any outfit that you pick from the wardrobe. The colour really gives your lips a healthy fuller look.
The lipstick in its self is fully hydrating to keep lips looking great and feeling soft without being to heavy and sliding off. When I first applied the lipstick its was so easy to apply and so glossy.

After a few hours the gloss did fade but the colour stayed which is a must with lipstick you want that colour to last and not be caught short with patchy lips we all know that looks terrible. I left it on just to see how it would fade off and forgot about it. Woke up the next day and their it was still in all its glory. Sure it did not look perfect but the colour was still distinctive and could well be seen.

Sponsored Wheelie

This week Nevaeh took part in a sponsored wheelie at school to raise money for new equipment. The school asked the children to wear sporty clothes and bring something the could ride to school with them. So first off if you have followed by blog you will have realised by now Nevaeh is one of the most girly little humans you may come across. Even getting her to wear jeans without a moan is a task. So off we went to our local Asda living shop to try find some cheapish Jogging bottoms, We come across this bright pink plain tracksuit Nevaeh was over joyed to say the least. We then teamed the tracksuit with the girliest most glittery pumps.

Today I am smiling because..

So today is just a mega awesome day, For months now I have been in fear of this day some nights I wouldnt sleep thinking about the what if's?
               It started last summer when my little lullah was running around my Nan's garden stripped to to a nappy enjoying the sunshine and watering the flowers all was great until we noticed something different about Lullahs little chest. The left breast (if thats what you call it shes only Two) was very swollen and purple feeling it, It had a lump underneath instantly I thought maybe she had been stung or bitten by something. It wasnt causing her any discomfort so didn't really worry to much and left it, This was until a few months later and Lullah was crying in pain with this lump.Of we went to the drs who basiclly fobbed us off and said its fine its ust a breast bud. Right ok a pondered a few weeks with her still saying it hurt and went back for a second opinion.
This dr seemed a little bit more concerned and had her reffered to the hospital for a specilist, He had to tell me things it culd be this is where I could have thrown up my own heart. In most cases it could be a hormone inbalance which is causing the nipple to swell the list went on and he then said the chances of it being Cancer are as little as 2%
Hold on wait excuse me what?!?! CANCER. I know it was a very slim chance but just those words were enough to make me feel pyshically sick.
 Between then and now was christmas, And im not even going to get into the mess up off three appointments which was a total nightmare!!
So today we went along to the hospital with a knot in my stomach close to tears full with dread and worry. Lullah being her usual self had the dr laughing and smiling she checked her over and had a feel around, she stated it has been seen before in children her age and is more chance to be hormones, which I could have passed breastfeeding, They just want to see her in 6 months to check she is gowing ok and wont go through any early puberty trates.

So I am so over the moon all that dread and worry for everything to be ok. I am so proud at how brave she was being prodded and poked, I am so thankfull she is ok, But I can not help but think about those children who are really poorly with life changing illness's. Seeing other children there who were having mri scans and needles for all sorts of things really broke my heart.

If you are reading this and you do have a poorly child I send you Love and strength <3

Valentines Day Fantasy Box! **18+ Post!**

The fantasy box is a subscription box for Adult couples to enjoy together,

Valentines Gift Guide

Its valentines day this weekend, It has come around so fast I'm sure it was new years day just yesterday? I find Valentines day is a difficult one to buy for, This year I am just planning a night in with some pamper bits We will put the kids to bed pamper our self's eat chocolate and more than likely watch a film. Nice and relaxed, So Below I have put together a guide with  some items that will fit into a perfect night in and also so great gift ideas!

Bayliss and Harding 

Baylis and Harding are a luxury beauty company who specialise in beautiful creams and soaps, This valentines they have brought out some real beautiful products with Pink magnolia as the feature fragrance, The packaging is really well presented very girly and would make a perfect gift for any lady. Prices start from around £8.00 and are available from most well known shopping branches such as Morrison's, Asda, Tesco Also Debenhams, Ocado and House of fraser

Four Years gone

Four years ago the ground was covered in snow a good few inch's thick and at 2am I got that phone call which would change my life forever, My family would have to face the most painful time they have ever had to endure. A great man in our lives had passed away.
      My Grandad, my hero, my comfort, People say that time is a healer has never felt the pain  I have felt for four years now. Time does not heal and the pain never leaves you just learn to deal with it.

I miss you everyday you were so strong until the end you are my inspiration love you foever and always x

A Morning off, Making breakfast fun

I like to try and take advantage of mornings of that I have with both of my girls, They are very far and few between now with Nevaeh being at school. I really am trying to bring fun into everyday life routine,
So this is how we have been making breakfast fun 

Show The furry little love in your life a happy valentines day.

Meowing heads And barking heads are a company which was started by three animal loving friends who had worked together in a pet food company which were brought out. They decided to start there own company and put all there knowledge and passion into making perfect pet food.
                 My furry little princess Elsa can be very fussy with food and will turn her nose up at allot of cat foods Meowing heads sent Elsa a small selection of cat food for Elsa to try.

Making little stamps at home

Being stuck in that rut of renting you are limited in most places of what you are able to do to the house. I currently really dislike my home most of it is old fashioned and abit gloomy, I have decided instead of trying to make massive changes in the home to just make the best out of a bad situation. Just making little tweaks rather than major differences,

This week I have picked up mine and Joshuas initials on pillows and added them to our bed. This is just a little change but really does make my bed look different they are bold and stand out perfectly.

The pillows were from my local Asda living and only priced at £5.00 each! I thought they were a brilliant quirky little item for the price. I do have to admit I really do love Asda's home wear it is really number one on my list, The quality for the price is brilliant, modern and looks stunning.

Handmade fashion

Handmade unique clothing is hitting Instagram with a bang. There are so many little boutiques with beautiful babies showing off their unique little head wraps skirts bloomers and more, Nevaeh received a Stunning little set from @Betseybeeboutique Who she is now brand enthusiast for,

The most frustrating battle I have had since Vay started school is point blank school shoes.This year I brought her school shoes from supermarket which claimed they were ‘scratch proof’ Well within the first day of Vay being at school the whole front of the shoe was pretty much scrapped off. I have no idea what this child does at school, Vay claimed it happened whilst being chased by pirates Oh right well that explains it then! Because of this reason with Vay being so rough footed I would refuse to pay for a more expensive pair of shoes as I assumed they would just be wrecked in the same way you know by the pirates….
I was given the chance by Brantano Footwear to choose a pair for Vay to test out so off I went searching the website, The website Is so easy to use and has a full range of different styles so will be something to suit everybody It also has a good variety of brands to choose from such as clarks and hush puppies good quality shoes. All the supermarket shoes I had previously brought Vay she was either a size 8 or 9 so I first ordered a 8.5 pair of clarks shoe thinking great they will be perfect. The order was put in and within Two days they arrived Hay! But uh ohhhh they did not fit. So I got in contact with Brantano who were nothing but helpful I was advised that a shop local to me supply’s a collection service where I could pack the shoes up then just drop them off and they would be returned. This was ace as the shop is pretty much in my street so convenient, I was a little confused trying to work out what size to get for the next pair so instead of getting it major wrong again off we went to clarks to have vays feet measured, Brantano also provide an instore feet measuring service for free. Vay really loved the experience and the staff were brilliant, So it was a size 10 Vay needed on her little feet so off I went and searched the website again to find these beautiful buckle patient clarks shoes called purley go they have a old vintage look,I fell in love with them pretty much straight away they will look awesome in the summer with white socks,The order went in again Two days later they appeared we tried them on and hoorayy they fit.

, Im Leonii you may know me from Foreverchanges blog! I thought it was time for a rebrand and a remake of my lovely little blog and make it more personal to myself, If you have not come across me as of yet well, Im currently 24 and a mother to two young girls A qualified hairdresser I work part time and hope to study at some point in the very near future, I love all things fashion, Make up and good grub.Lipstick IS my thing.I do suffer with anxiety which I will be fully open about, I am beating my anxiety at the moment and I will continue to do so!