Sponsored Wheelie

This week Nevaeh took part in a sponsored wheelie at school to raise money for new equipment. The school asked the children to wear sporty clothes and bring something the could ride to school with them. So first off if you have followed by blog you will have realised by now Nevaeh is one of the most girly little humans you may come across. Even getting her to wear jeans without a moan is a task. So off we went to our local Asda living shop to try find some cheapish Jogging bottoms, We come across this bright pink plain tracksuit Nevaeh was over joyed to say the least. We then teamed the tracksuit with the girliest most glittery pumps.

Nevaeh Chose to use her scooter and managed 30 laps! I was super proud of her and she was so pleased she was raising money for her school

                                                           Well done Nevaeh!

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