Why It isnt time for baby number Three

Is there something that happens in people's minds that when your youngest child turns two suddenly it is time for another? I'm finding myself more and more having to explain why I don't want anymore children. Two currently for me is enough two children is hard work and I can only imagine three being even harder.
Currently right now I feel like I will never have anymore children and when I say this to people the horror on their faces like I have just told them I hate children, BUT you are only young... OH you will change your mind.... OK yes I might but this is how I feel right now.

Well no I don't really if the time ever come that I decided I wanted another, I would try for a BABY yes that's right a BABY because you do know you don't get to decide right?? Like if I had more children should I feel deflated or sad if its a little pink bundle rather than a blue, or blessed that I had been given this little life to treasure? What makes people think I would like a little boy so what if I would like all girls .Why do society put so much pressure on women especially other women Everything seems to be so much pressure and don't get me started on the competition in raising children!?!? Its crazy.

one last thing
Why can't people be genuinely happy for each other,
You passed your driving test? Brilliant
You are graduating college? awesome
You are a stay at home parent? You rock
You work all hours god sends? You go girl
You had children young? you strong women
you lost weight? Well done!

we need more females who will happily compliment one another and smile as you cross paths.

I feel there is this illusion of what a perfect life is and for most people it would be, A well paid job, driving a flashy car, owning your own house, being married, A boy first then a girl and  two holidays a year. look around you right now do you have a roof above your head, do you have loved ones close  even if that is a phone call away. Do you have food in your kitchen and clothes on your back? think about what really is classed as perfect.

Me and my not so perfect family.


  1. It is odd that people are so obsessed with how many children people should or should not have x

    1. It's so odd isn't it felt like I had to get it of my chest especially the boy comment it's makes me frustrated

  2. People will always pass opinion on such topics. Its best to ignore and do what is best for you.

  3. Funnily enough I recently wrote about why people shouldn't ask others about baby number two - it was my most successful post to date! And I'll shortly be publishing another post about why it's not the right time for ME!

    Clearly something a lot of us feel quite strongly about!

    1. Yes its wearing thin the boy comments are the most frustrating x

  4. I think it is a natural thing to ask if people are having any more children, I know I do ask but never question an answer. It is an individual decision that only your family can make

  5. Yes, some people have opinions on everything - and just have to share it! It is your choice - if you do - or of you don't! You have a lovely family. Kaz x

  6. Ah I love how your reproductive system becomes an easy target for strangers once you have kids!! Hah. I have 4 and I still get people asking if I'll have more. I think they're crazy! Also its so rude! Just tell them to mind their own business. xx

  7. Love the second photo. I don't think there is ever a right or wrong time to have another child and we were happy with two but then our little man made a surprise appearance and we wouldn't be without him!

  8. I don't know why people feel the need to ask but it does seem to be a hot topic of whether you are going to have another child once the first one arrives. I agree with your attitude of what classes as a perfect life and it is the people around you, I'd rather have a happy quality family life than us chasing money and cars to compete with the ithers doing that x

  9. Great post, I know exactly what you mean. Even thought we have four children, my youngest is now 3 and people are asking when we are going to try for another?! Erm, no thanks we have finished adding to humanity!!

  10. How many should be as individual a choice as when. Every bodies circumstances are different and no two families should be compared.
    I thought I was having a boy second time round as my two pregnancies were different, but it was a second girl who had many health issues, when I had my third people kept saying you will want a boy, but no I wanted healthy and was not fussy what sex.
    I agree with ghostwritermumy my daughter now has 5 kids and people always sound so amazed if not shocked by that, and she would have more if she did not have to give birth to them.

  11. Great post and so true! Love the pictures of your family, made me chuckle x

  12. Your 'not so perfect' family look pretty perfect to me x
