Being comfortable in my own skin

I know I keep going on about these 'goals' but I have done it again I wanted to stop being so hard on myself and learn how to be comfortable in my own skin. So yesterday I took a massive plunge and left the house with no make up. To some this is nothing but to me its major I feel like my make up is like my brick wall against the world its a face I put on to hide my anxiety its my shield of armor protecting me from all the judgemental pretty bitches.

I may not be the most pretty or beautiful girl in the world but the most beautiful thing about a lady is confidence if you have confidence there is nothing that can stop you. For the first couple of hours I was very anxious especially dropping Nevaeh off at school the playground can be a very scary place even when you are 24. Its like being back at school again and wanting to fit in. This week I decided I no longer want to fit in I just want to be true to myself warts and all!

So I went out all day without make up maybe behind my back people said oh gosh she looks rough today or she must not feel very well but you know what as the day went on my smile got bigger and bigger I didn't keep checking in the mirror to see if I have patches, if my eyeliner had smudged or heaven forbid  I had lipstick on my teeth.

I took this picture at 10:30pm at night realising I didn't have to do the chore of cleaning my make up off or making my eyes sore scrubbing mascara off.

I'm still a huge lover of make-up and I won't go out everyday barefaced but I'm slowly on the recovery to love myself and I CAN fight this world with my naked face.

 The prettiest thing a girl can have on her face is a smile.


  1. You look lovely with no make up on, I'm the opposite feel more confident without it than with it x

  2. What a great post, I think confidence comes with age as well, as you start to realise you don't care what other people think. When I was younger I would not dream of going out without my hair and make up perfect, now I do go out without make up and It really does not bother me.

  3. Good for you! I have never worn much make up but I do understand why people do. A variety of reasons - security, to feel good and to feel like they are making an effort. The list is probably infinite.
    If I am honest I much prefer the photo of your pretty face minus the makeup.

  4. You look beautiful! I stopped wearing make-up on a daily basis a long time ago although I always feel more confident when I do wear it

  5. I am also comfortable in my skin, I dont wear make up every day, some days I just cannot be bothered x

  6. You look so beautiful without makeup! I also have the same anxiety. When I walk the dogs early in the morning I feel naked without my makeup lol.

  7. Aw, you look lovely, well done you! I expected to stop wearing make-up when I had my daughter, but that only lasted briefly. I don't wear heavy make-up but the thought of going out bare faced makes me cringe. It helps that you have lovely clear skin. Maybe if I did I'd be braver...

  8. Such a great post. Although I do wear make up I don't wear a great amount but I don't have a problem going out without make up. I find it quite amusing when people say they can't leave the house without a full face on. I really believe there is more to life

  9. Oh you look lovely! I rarely wear make up - I just don't have the time. Well done for braving the school gate - it is a very scary place when you are 44 too! Good for you . Kaz x

  10. You look amazing with no make up on. Well done for doing it. I feel so naked without it and yet I hardly wear any lol. I agree the prettiest thing is a smile x

  11. Honestly? I think you look amazing. I do go out without make up now and then and have to say I feel more comfortable with it. But I really think you should believe all of us telling you how fab you look! x x

  12. You look fantastic, it can be so hard taking that step. Yet it is something we should really all feel completely comfortable doing. x

  13. I think you look very pretty without make-up. I only wear make-up now for special occasions. I think when you are so used to wearing make-up it becomes 'your face' and you forget how pretty you are without it. Celebrate yourself, you're fab xx
