Tickled Pink Fancy dress

something I have always loved is dressing up in fancy dress it started as a young child I had so many fancy dress outfits and would wear them more than my normal clothes. Even through my teens on nights out and through my recent adulting years any chance I get I will wear a fancy dress costume.
      So If you follow my social media you would have seen me recently fully embracing the unicorn look, I love anything unicorn and fairytale so this costume from the get go was pretty awesome.

Fear of the bath!

Recently from nowhere my children have had a fear of the bath tub! Up until we moved to this house we always just had showers which did make life pretty difficult for us especially me the bath lover!!
I would dread telling the children it was bath time I mean my neighbours must have thought I was murdering them the screams and splashing around when I washed there hair! So I decided enough was enough I couldn't fight anymore so I have been coming up with ways to get my children to bath happily.

So here is Rainbow Bath In the dark,
All you need is

  • Glowsticks
  • A bath tub 
  • Running water 
  • children who want to bath
I brought the glowsticks from our local pound shop there was around 18 in a tube, I only put half of that amount in the bath though so got two bathtimes out of one tube. I told the children I would make them a super special bath if they didn't kick off a bath all there friends would want to hear about.I told them to stay downstairs until the bath was ready even if they did try every excuse in the book to be nosey at what I was doing.

Here was the result
I did then cover with bubbles so it really did look like the bath was just glowing. It looked awesome and both kids jumped right in! I really could have cried a few days before I was being screamed at and being made to feel I was awful and now they were sitting in the bath playing happily! I will continue to try an find fun ways to make the bath less stressful and more a joy!

Do you have any tips for me??

Being comfortable in my own skin

I know I keep going on about these 'goals' but I have done it again I wanted to stop being so hard on myself and learn how to be comfortable in my own skin. So yesterday I took a massive plunge and left the house with no make up. To some this is nothing but to me its major I feel like my make up is like my brick wall against the world its a face I put on to hide my anxiety its my shield of armor protecting me from all the judgemental pretty bitches.

I may not be the most pretty or beautiful girl in the world but the most beautiful thing about a lady is confidence if you have confidence there is nothing that can stop you. For the first couple of hours I was very anxious especially dropping Nevaeh off at school the playground can be a very scary place even when you are 24. Its like being back at school again and wanting to fit in. This week I decided I no longer want to fit in I just want to be true to myself warts and all!

So I went out all day without make up maybe behind my back people said oh gosh she looks rough today or she must not feel very well but you know what as the day went on my smile got bigger and bigger I didn't keep checking in the mirror to see if I have patches, if my eyeliner had smudged or heaven forbid  I had lipstick on my teeth.

I took this picture at 10:30pm at night realising I didn't have to do the chore of cleaning my make up off or making my eyes sore scrubbing mascara off.

I'm still a huge lover of make-up and I won't go out everyday barefaced but I'm slowly on the recovery to love myself and I CAN fight this world with my naked face.

 The prettiest thing a girl can have on her face is a smile.


Aprils feed has really made me smile today:
So from the bottom being april 1st

  • Nevaeh got her first pair of skates and braved the garden!
  • Nevaeh fell asleep cuddling a picture of me and her when she was a little baby!
  • I started to feel strongly about cruelty free make up and I discovered Arbonne
  • I was having a good hair day soooo.. 'selfie'
  • A moment of happiness watching my girls play 'super girl and cowgirl jessie'
  • We went to DISNEY ON ICE!!!! 
  • A child free night with alcohol stayed in a caravan nd laughed until my belly hurt with friends
  • Cheesy cups from the poundshop!
  • Our princess Elsa cat had her womb done- no kittys for us!
  • The girls just being cute and matching
  • Yankee's Ahhhhhh

  • Fresh set of nails lilac which I so love!
  • If in doubt pout by lullah 
  • The sunshine and our daffodils were breaking out
  • Lullah posting for my driving licence (goal)
  • Nutmeg from morrisons sent us a lovely parcel
  • Cats&Selfies&Pizza&Dreams :A Tshirt that described Nevaeh to a T and it was £1
  • Oh another good day *selfie*
  •  bottom lip... still cute though
  • *video* trying to vlog and lullah licks her finger and wipes it on my face?!?!
  • sorry another selfie 
  • nutmeg were cute again on the 26th of April sending us a book and an invite!
  • Nevaehs hair has grown so much its beautiful.... Rapunzel 

  • Transformation Tuesday Iv lost around 3st!
  • We reviewed the new my little pony dvd before it was released!
  • New hair.. well fringe means one thing SELFIE
  • ahhh our new breville kettle and toaster set which AO.com sent us to review
  • My carry potty ready to start training eeeeek
  • We introducted the girls to Harry potter and currently working our way through them WIN 
I love looking back on my instagram feed it reminds me life is good and I am lucky. 

Look back in your feed whats made you smile??

An update on my goals

So its currently the 10th of may we are five months into 2016 already and I fell like the year is slipping through my fingers and I feel im loosing grip of it im trying to hold on and tie loose ends together.Finances are currently tight and my head fills like someone has just thrown in a tin of alphabet spaghetti and all the words whizzing around my head are jumbling up.
But today on the 10th of may 2016 is the day I decided I will never let people make me feel small I will hold my head high and I do have people around me who care about me. All I ever do is beat mysef up well nomore!
 New goals are:

  • Be proud of who I am .
  • Be positive 
  • Love those who love me 
  • Keep myself to myself yet be polite 
  • keep pushing myself 

So even though I feel in the dark a little I have good news If you watched my Vlog on the goals I have set myself you will already know some of those goals. One was get mself driving again well  here is lullah psting off for my new provisional licence, Its now here and ready to go on payday!

Another was get into college guess what I got offered a place and one more was volunteer with women who suffer with mental health such as anxiety and depression well my training starts this month!! So things are in motion im jumping on that fast train and tooting the horn. so far im doing ok I  have had a bad day and cried but we all need those days to appreciate the good.

Princess twilight sparkle: My Little Pony Friendship is magic Review and Giveaway

Nevaeh being the typical girly girl she is was very excited to receive the latest My little pony DVD Through the post. We always have a film morning on a Saturday before I have to pop of to work for the day, So this Saturday I was not surprised when Nevaeh was chanting my little pony.. my little pony..my little pony over and over there was no need to ask what she was intending to watch.

This DVD includes six episodes-
  • Princess Twilight Part 1
  • Princess Twilight part 2
  • Castle-mania
  • Darling Don't
  • Fighting to the finish
  • Power Ponies
The running time is 2hr and 6mins approx so will keep your little one entertained for literally hours! Nevaeh's face when he first episode finished was not a happy one but as soon as I told her there were 5 more to watch she was tdancing around.
The Dvd kicks off from where we left it last series with princess Twilight adjusting into her new role as royalty whilst also getting used to her new wings which she is having allot of trouble with but then also has to deal with saving equestria from the attacks of a deadly plant whilst princess Luna and princess Celestia are missing! 
The pony gang have to overcome allot whilst the princess's are missing such as fighting a huge crocodile which everypony had to help with as princess twilight was cornered by the monster! The ponies managed to to tie up the croc and carry on the adventure. Nevaeh was gripped throughout the whole dvd. 

Princess Twilight Sparkle is out on dvd and digital download from the 9th of May! 

Enter the giveaway for your chance to win a copy! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Why It isnt time for baby number Three

Is there something that happens in people's minds that when your youngest child turns two suddenly it is time for another? I'm finding myself more and more having to explain why I don't want anymore children. Two currently for me is enough two children is hard work and I can only imagine three being even harder.
Currently right now I feel like I will never have anymore children and when I say this to people the horror on their faces like I have just told them I hate children, BUT you are only young... OH you will change your mind.... OK yes I might but this is how I feel right now.

Well no I don't really if the time ever come that I decided I wanted another, I would try for a BABY yes that's right a BABY because you do know you don't get to decide right?? Like if I had more children should I feel deflated or sad if its a little pink bundle rather than a blue, or blessed that I had been given this little life to treasure? What makes people think I would like a little boy so what if I would like all girls .Why do society put so much pressure on women especially other women Everything seems to be so much pressure and don't get me started on the competition in raising children!?!? Its crazy.

one last thing
Why can't people be genuinely happy for each other,
You passed your driving test? Brilliant
You are graduating college? awesome
You are a stay at home parent? You rock
You work all hours god sends? You go girl
You had children young? you strong women
you lost weight? Well done!

we need more females who will happily compliment one another and smile as you cross paths.

I feel there is this illusion of what a perfect life is and for most people it would be, A well paid job, driving a flashy car, owning your own house, being married, A boy first then a girl and  two holidays a year. look around you right now do you have a roof above your head, do you have loved ones close  even if that is a phone call away. Do you have food in your kitchen and clothes on your back? think about what really is classed as perfect.

Me and my not so perfect family.